Monkey's Audio 是一套可將WAV轉成*.APE(Monkey's Audio格式)的音樂文件,Monkey's Audio把WAV壓縮成APE。沒聽說用Monkey's Audio把APE轉WAV。他不像一般的MP3或OGG音樂格式,為了節省空間而失去了應有的音樂品質。
添加APE文件 可以添加文件或文件夾 找到源文件位置點擊打開即添加到列表
完成之後自動保存到源文件目錄下 當然你可以到選項裏設置保存到的位置.
Monkey's Audio強調的是保有原來的高品質音質,且壓縮上相當快速、支持ID3編輯,更可利用WinAMP及Media Jukebox來播放,如你喜歡高品質音樂的話,相信絕對是相當不錯的選擇、且完全免費。
Changed: When compressing a file, the input WAV file is always opened in read-only mode (writes were never done, but previously the input WAV would only be opened in read-only mode if write permissions were not available).
Changed: Updated to newer nasm compiler for MMX assembly.
Changed: Updated the console application (MAC.exe) to support Unicode filenames (GUI has always had Unicode support).
Changed: Removed obsolete Unicode compatibility DLL (unicows.dll) from the installer (only used by Win 9x).