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Adobe Creative Suite 2九月巡展:風暴登陸北京

時間:2005-10-11 17:04:15人氣:281作者:網友整理
adobe creative cloud6.1.2
adobe creative cloud6.1.2 for Android
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Adobe Premiere Clip安卓版(手機影片編輯器) v1.4.999 Android版 for Android
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  現在是9月16日10點45分,ADOBE風暴已經開始快1個小時,會場內外人頭攢動,會議室內座位已滿。Mark Hilton為ADOBE的中國風暴做精彩演講。



 在滿場熱烈的掌聲中,Adobe Creative Pro Business Unit 高級總監Mark Hilton上台做了精彩的主題演講。




I truly enjoy getting together with members of the creative community…


and I always leave events like this …inspired by the people I meet …and the ideas that I come into contact with.


I especially enjoy the opportunity to visit China


A global center for Design and Manufacturing, Telecom and Internet


We're here today to talk about what's hot and what's next


… and to hear from some leading thinkers from the design and publishing world.


It's a day to celebrate ideas … and that wonderful and elusive Creative Moment when ideas just flow.


You've all been there, you all know what I mean.


And since we're all together… let's also recognize this unique and special creative community of which we are a part…


…and the equally unique and special media-rich environment, that provides us with so many opportunities to put ideas to work.


And what an environment it is!


The amount of information available for us to experience is doubling every 18 months.


There are twice as many TV and satellite channels today than there were just 7 years ago.


There are more than 60 million Web sites…and they're increasing at a rate of one million a month.


Meanwhile… it's open season on the consumers of all this media, as more and more messages compete for influence.

同時, 隨著越來越多的信息互相競相,爭相擴大影響力,形成了媒體百花齊放的局麵

And if that weren't enough of a challenge in the competition for influence…75% of us use multiple forms of media simultaneously …surfing the ‘net while listening to the radio, for example.


And who knows how many phone calls, text messages, and emails.


All competing for influence and attention … All tagged, “Look at me.”


What brings order to this chaos and turns it into a rich flow of human experience are ideas…Your ideas.


It's your ideas that determine the shape information will take and how to present it so that people will take notice.


You're the ones who have to make the choices…to decide what's important … And what's not…What stays…And what goes.


Less has never been more…


And knowing precisely how to put that concept to work has never been more challenging.


That's where the power of great design comes in…


More than just making the right artistic choices…you have to put that power to work to solve business problems and communicate essential concepts…


which, more and more, I'm told, has you participating at the strategic level with your colleagues and clients.


You also have to use that power…that power of great design…to convey and grow a brand …


not just by developing an eye-catching logo, but by communicating the overall experience of that brand…


whatever form that communication takes and whatever device your audience experiences it on.


And you have to use that power to transform…to turn the everyday letters of the alphabet into a powerful message through typography…


That's the power of great design.


And wielding it, you are the power brokers of today's media-intense world.


You have the power to inspire us through your passion…to get us thinking and feeling different through your ideas.


Where do these ideas come from?


What is their source?


Psychologists describe this source as an experience known as flow, and compare it to what an athlete experiences when he or she is in “the zone.”


This confirms what I've heard from the designers and photographers I've talked to … and what I've personally experienced.


They also tell me that being in this “flow” often leads to a single point, a “Creative Moment” when all their hard work…

他們還告訴我澎湃的湧動最終將引領他們達到一個巔峰時刻 - 他們稱之為“創意形成的瞬間”

And all those late nights…pay off!



If that's the moment you live for also…


I've got some exciting news.


There's never been a greater opportunity for designers to put their ideas to work in provocative and intriguing ways than right now.


Just look at all the new devices you can express your ideas on.


5 years ago, conventional wisdom had it that the world would see those ideas expressed on the page or on a PC.


Today, there are all kinds of alternative devices that have become equal citizens vying for those ideas: from cell phones to PDAs, and more.


World wide there are over a billion cell phones…and many are primed for great design


Or how about those video walls you see at shopping malls and airports? …Today, there are nearly a quarter million in service in NA alone


With all these new devices, the opportunity is enormous for those talented individuals capable of cutting and dicing their best ideas into new, exciting shapes.


In fact, there‘s already a huge demand for the media that can optimize the use of these new devices, and for designers whose great ideas can help shape that experience.


More opportunities in other words… for designers, photographers, videographers, and creative professionals of all kinds… More demand for your ideas.


Which is not to say that we‘re going to see a diminishing demand for “enduring” media - the text, illustration, and photography on the printed page - and the ideas that make it memorable.


In fact, demand is increasing for differing forms of printed content that matches our changing lifestyles


At the same time, we are also seeing increased demand for online versions of papers - and with it, the means for publishing to both print and the Web.


And not just for PCs, but for mobile phones, handhelds, video walls, you name it.


Meanwhile, we're already seeing a lot of “active content” on communication devices of all types…


Click on some text and you get video…


Click on a time-sensitive pieced of information and it updates…


Click on an illustration and it animates


Now, you are able to use mobile phone to locate your own location, watch TV, play games and etc.


Yet another opportunity for great design is the general trend toward greater personalization.


What is TiVo or Sky Plus, after all, if not a terrific way for consumers to personalize their TV viewing experience?

什麼是TiVo 或者 Sky Plus? 當然是定製電視

This “un priming” of prime time is creating major headaches for advertisers, to be sure, but major opportunities for you to find alternative and innovative ways to build brands.


Another form of personalized content, in need of some great design ideas, is blogging, which is making just about everyone a publisher. Well not everyone but blogs are growing at a rate of over 23,000 per day worldwide. And BlogChina now becomes one of the biggest ones in the world.


One look at Gawker.com, the elegantly-designed clearing house for bloggers, and it’s obvious the contribution good design can bring to this enormously popular form of communication.


And there will be high demand for design publishing in these areas as advertisers and brands look to reach an increasingly fractured media landscape.


Alternative devices, enduring media, personalization……there's a lot of places to deliver content….


And if there is a vision to which the creative community inspires to …it is this… to create content once and publish it everywhere.


As it happens, this is precisely the vision for the future that we outlined 5 years back when we introduced the idea of Network Publishing.


Back then, our thinking was that Network Publishing would streamline the flow of the design and publishing process, by centralizing asset management and media creation …that you would be able to process more media without adding more people…


…and that you would increase the return-on-investment of your ideas by speeding them to market, and by having them pay off in multiple ways.


Our thinking today is the same…Only now… that future we were envisioning is here…Just look around…It's everywhere.


This non-stop multimedia world is with us today…….and will accelerate in the future…..


First stop: the art and design schools, where respected institutions like Keio University Media Communications Research Institutes have developed entire graduate departments and extensive curricula that focus on digital media, design, technology -- and their inevitable confluence.


And in business schools, such as Stanford University, they're teaching the strategic value of design to MBA candidates. They are in the process of developing a full-fledged design school within their business school.


Meanwhile marketers are demanding more and more 1:1 marketing, providing fuel for variable data publishing.


So truly, the future is upon us.


As we engage with the creative community around network publishing……here's what we hear you say…..


High on your priorities is the ability to publish to a variety of media.


Meanwhile, in our discussions with top magazine publishers world wide,  we also heard a definite need for tools and solutions that would increase productivity. These publishers wanted their designers to have quick and ready access to the tools they needed when they needed them.


They also wanted tight integration across design and layout components. For example, they wanted to be able to design pages that incorporated transparency effects such as drop shadows or gradients, and create guides in layouts to assure precision printing.


Cross-media publishing and increased productivity were, of course, important to the advertising agencies we spoke with, including Young and Rubicam and McCann Erickson  who also pointed to a need for first-class communications.

當然跨媒體發布和提高的生產率對廣告公司而言也很重要的,例如Young & Rubicam或者麥肯廣告業也提到了一流的傳播對他們的重要性。

With offices, freelancers, suppliers and clients around the world, these agencies were looking for design and publishing solutions that not only fit into their IT structure, but also provided an efficient and easy-to-manage mark-up and review process……


And of course….one of your main priorities is to stay in the flow…..


so you can find that creative moment I talked about earlier


We'd like to think that inspiration isn't confined to the designer…….


In fact, we are constantly at work on figuring out how we at Adobe can best help you meet your challenges.


We can put all the tools together so that when inspiration does strike …and it will… you can bring that great idea to life faster and easier.


In fact, that's just what happened with the ideas we refined and transformed into the tools I'd like to introduce to you now.


They're part of the new Adobe Creative Suite 2, which will be available in China in。

這就是Adobe Creative Suite 2,以及構成這個設計出版平台的各個產品。現在,我非常高興地告訴大家,Creative Suite 2中文版在中國上市了。

We believe Adobe Creative Suite 2 takes us a long way towards addressing your needs for a design environment that allows you to work smarter, better and more efficiently….What's behind that belief?

我們堅信Adobe Creative Suite 2可以滿足你對設計環境的更高要求,它可以保證你更順暢,更好和更高效率地工作。。。是什麼使我們有這樣的信心呢?

Well FIRST, the ACS gives you all the TOOLS that you need when you need them, so you can make more of your ideas and do so faster

首先,Adobe Creative Suite保證提供所有你需要的工具,特別是在你正好需要它的時候。。。因為你可以更快地實現你的創意,所以你可以將更多的時間放在思考而不是操作上

SECOND, not only does the Suite STREAMLINE the process of getting these ideas down, it makes it easier than ever to deliver them across print, web and mobile devices….Not just today's devices - tomorrow's as well.

其次,Creative Suite不僅使得記錄下靈感的整個過程更加順暢,同時,在今天的紙麵、網絡和移動設備上的發布也變得異常簡單。。。未來,你可以設想更多。。。

THIRD to keep your ideas moving the suite makes it easy for you to BROWSE files, keep track of versions and find and buy stock photos.

第三,你不會因為工具之間的切換而影響思緒的連貫,Creative Suite的工具不僅都是無縫連接的,而且還提供了多種輔助的功能組件,設計的同時,你可以方便地瀏覽文件,進行版本控製和管理,還可以到圖片庫裏搜索和購買適合的圖片。

FOURTH the Suite offers robust review and comment features and in addition provides a robust set of preflighting and print production tools


Plus, there's a whole ecosystem of Adobe partners including service providers, trainers, plug-in developers and others to enable you to enrich and extend that environment.


So no matter where your ideas take you, Adobe Creative Suite 2 can provide you with everything you need…Everything, that is, but the idea.

因此,無論靈感把你帶向何方,Adobe Creative Suite 2可以提供你所需要的一切。。。除了靈感以外的一切

We hope that as you use the Creative Suite, you'll find it just as useful in helping you realize your ideas as you work, uninterrupted, from creative moment to creative moment.

我們相信當你開始使用Creative Suite 2中文版產品,當你享受到一個又一個“創意的瞬間”,你一定會發現,那是因為Creative Suite在你的身邊。

It seems like only yesterday everyone was talking about the new millennium. We're well into it. And it's not the century that's changing…


It's the way we communicate. It's what we communicate. It's the reach of that communication. And the means by which we receive and process it.


That's where the challenge lies. That's where the opportunity lies. And that's what this event is all about…Discovering those ways…Getting a clearer sense of future…And being confident of your place in it.


So you can develop new, even more powerful ideas.


Thank you for joining us… Enjoy yourself…Check out the Adobe Creative Suite 2… and…Make the most of your time at Adobe China Storm!


I’d like to introduce Alan Rosenfeld who will show you the Adobe Creative Suite….

接下來,我們請出Adobe全球資深專家Alan Rosenfeld為大家進行Creative Suite 2的精彩演示。


11點10分Alan Rosenfeld進行“創意形成後的故事-CS2產品演示” 主題演講,風趣幽默的語言引來陣陣笑聲,會場交流氣氛異常活躍。

Alan Rosenfeld對CS2版本的功能、操作等進行了詳細的演示和解說,引起大家的興趣,精彩操作吸引了與會者目光。  









Adobe中國區總經理皮卓丁先生饒有趣味地觀看 Alan Rosenfeld精彩演講,不時露出喜悅的神情。








 12點15分,麥肯光明廣告公司的設計師首先對Adobe CS 2軟件在工作中的作用和對設計的幫助發表了自己的看法。國內知名廣告設計公司及知名設計師亦登台交流設計經驗。  








下午13:00,Julieanne Kost進行了精彩而神奇的主題演講“尋找視覺奇跡-Photoshop巡禮”。

  Julieanne Kost輕鬆而又不失嚴謹的風格受到了在場人員的歡迎。Photoshop CS2的神奇功能更是讓人驚奇不已,讚歎連連。


 “接過出版革命的火炬-InDesign巡禮”中,Alan Rosenfeld詳細介紹了數字出版的發展與革新。InDesign是現代排版軟件的一次革新,解決了過去的出版軟件難以解決的各種問題。堪稱Adobe在出版界的又一次革新。

  Alan Rosenfeld成了本次會議中的熱點,他詼諧的調侃、幽默的語言以及精彩的演示成了這次大會的明星式人物。

  在大會結束時,與會者紛紛要求與Alan Rosenfeld合影。





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