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當前位置:首頁文章中心遊戲攻略秘籍單機遊戲攻略 → 十字軍之王3控製台代碼有哪些 十字軍之王3作弊碼一覽

十字軍之王3控製台代碼有哪些 十字軍之王3作弊碼一覽

時間:2020-09-02 14:07:22人氣:1577作者:網友整理
十字軍之王2血脈代碼v1.12.7 for Android
  • 類型:策略塔防大小:55.68M語言: 評分:3.7
  • 十字軍之王2血脈代碼是一款十分刺激的太空戰爭遊戲,空中海盜開始登上曆史舞台,招募...
十字軍之王3控製台v1.10.9 for Android
  • 類型:卡牌遊戲大小:76.04M語言: 評分:3.8
  • 十字軍之王3控製台是一款匠心打造的策略卡牌遊戲。在拉弗爾大陸,美食是愛與幸福的傳...
十字軍之王3皇家版v1.13.8 for Android
  • 類型:策略塔防大小:39.48M語言: 評分:4.8
  • 十字軍之王3皇家版是一款休閑物理敏捷跳躍遊戲,遊戲中玩家要控製自己的角色進行跳躍...




age添加輸入的[數量]年齡到[角色id],如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。負數允許減少。[數量] [角色id]age 20

add_claim添加對[頭銜id]的宣稱到[角色id],如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。[頭銜id] [角色id]add_claim e_hre

add_doctrine添加[教條id]到[信仰id], 如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色信仰。按TAB顯示所有教條id。[教條id] [信仰id]add_doctrine doctrine_pluralism_fundamentalist catholic

add_dread添加輸入[數量]的恐怖值到[角色id],如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。負數允許減少。[數量] [角色id]add_dread 100

add_maa添加輸入的 [兵種id] 部隊到[角色id],[角色id],如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。按TAB顯示所有兵種id。[兵種id] [角色id]add_maa bowmen

add_perk添加輸入的[技能id] 到[角色id],如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。按TAB顯示所有技能id。[技能id] [角色id]add_perk thoughtful_perk

add_piety添加輸入[數量]的虔誠到玩家角色。負數允許減少虔誠。默認1000。[數量]add_piety 9000

add_prestige添加輸入[數量]的威望到玩家角色。負數允許減少虔誠。默認1000。[數量]add_prestige 16000

add_realm_law添加輸入的[法律id] 到[角色id]的國家,如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色國家。按TAB顯示所有法律id。[法律id] [角色id]add_realm_law crown_authority_3

add_realm_law_skip_effects添加輸入的[法律id] 到[角色id]的國家,如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色國家。按TAB顯示所有法律id。[法律id] [角色id]add_realm_law_skip_effects crown_authority_3

add_relation添加[關係id]到[角色id]與[角色id], 如果其中一個沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。[關係id] [角色id]add_relation friend 1234

add_secret添加輸入的[秘密id] 到玩家角色。按TAB顯示所有秘密id。[秘密id]add_secret secret_witch

add_stress添加輸入[數量]的壓力值到[角色id],如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。負數允許減少。[數量] [角色id]add_stress 50

add_title_law添加[繼承法id]到[頭銜id].[頭銜id] [法律id]add_title_law e_hre feudal_elective_succession_law

add_trait添加輸入的[特質id] 到[角色id],如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。按TAB顯示所有特質id。[特質id] [角色id]add_trait witch

add_lifestyle_xp_all添加輸入[數量]的經驗到[角色id]的所有生活方式,如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。默認1000。[數量] [角色id]add_lifestyle_xp_all 2000

add_diplomacy_lifestyle_xp添加輸入[數量]的經驗到[角色id]的外交生活方式,如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。默認1000。[數量] [角色id]add_diplomacy_lifestyle_xp 2000

add_martial_lifestyle_xp添加輸入[數量]的經驗到[角色id]的軍事生活方式,如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。默認1000。[數量] [角色id]add_martial_lifestyle_xp 2000

add_stewardship_lifestyle_xp添加輸入[數量]的經驗到[角色id]的管理生活方式,如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。默認1000。[數量] [角色id]add_stewardship_lifestyle_xp 2000

add_intrigue_lifestyle_xp添加輸入[數量]的經驗到[角色id]的謀略生活方式,如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。默認1000。[數量] [角色id]add_intrigue_lifestyle_xp 2000

add_learning_lifestyle_xp添加輸入[數量]的經驗到[角色id]的學識生活方式,如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。默認1000。[數量] [角色id]add_learning_lifestyle_xp 2000

change_culture改變[地區id]的文化到[文化id].[地區id] [文化id]change_culture 496 swedish

change_development_level添加輸入[數量]的發展度到[地區id],如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色首都。負數允許減少。[數量] [地區id]change_development_level 100 496

change_fervor添加輸入[數量]的宗教熱情到[信仰id],如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色信仰。負數允許減少。默認10。[數量] [信仰id]change_fervor 100 catholic

change_diplomacy添加輸入的[數量]到[角色id]的外交屬性,如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。負數允許減少。[數量] [角色id]change_diplomacy 16

change_martial添加輸入的[數量]到[角色id]的外交屬性,如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。負數允許減少。[數量] [角色id]change_martial 16

change_stewardship添加輸入的[數量]到[角色id]的管理屬性,如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。負數允許減少。[數量] [角色id]change_stewardship 16

change_intrigue添加輸入的[數量]到[角色id]的謀略屬性,如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。負數允許減少。[數量] [角色id]change_intrigue 16

change_learning添加輸入的[數量]到[角色id]的學識屬性,如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。負數允許減少。[數量] [角色id]change_learning 16

change_prowess添加輸入的[數量]到[角色id]的勇武屬性,如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。負數允許減少。[數量] [角色id]change_prowess 16


clear_title_laws移除[頭銜id]的所有繼承法。[頭銜id]clear_title_laws e_hre



discover_era解鎖玩家角色的文化的[時代id]的所有革新,如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。按TAB顯示所有時代id。[時代id]discover_era culture_era_early_medieval


discover_innovation解鎖[角色id]的文化的[革新id],如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。按TAB顯示所有革新id。[革新id] [角色id]discover_innovation innovation_motte

dynasty_prestige添加輸入[數量]的宗族威望到[宗族id],如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色宗族。負數允許減少。默認1000。[數量] [宗族id]dynasty_prestige 100000


event觸發[事件id].[事件id]event lifestyle_nicknames.0001



give_title給予[頭銜id]給[角色id],如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。[頭銜id] [角色id]give_title e_hre

gold給予輸入[數量]的金錢到玩家角色。負數允許減少。默認1000。[數量]add_gold 500



join_era將[角色id]的文化帶入[時代id],如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。按TAB顯示所有時代id。[時代id]join_era culture_era_high_medieval



merge_culture將所有[文化id]地區的文化改為[文化id]。[文化id] [文化id]merge_culture greek swedish

pregnancy使女性[角色id]懷上[角色id]的孩子,如果沒有選定id默認為未知角色。[角色id][角色id]pregnancy 1234

remove_doctrine移除[信仰id]的[教條id], 如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色信仰。按TAB顯示所有教條id。[教條id] [信仰id]remove_doctrine doctrine_pluralism_righteous catholic


remove_relation移除[角色id]與[角色id]的[關係id], 如果其中一個沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。[關係id] [角色id]remove_relation friend 1234

remove_trait移除[角色id]的[特質id],如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。按TAB顯示所有特質id。[特質id] [角色id]remove_trait witch

set_culture改變[角色id]的[文化id],如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。按TAB顯示所有文化id。[文化id] [角色id]set_culture swedish

set_dread改變[角色id]的恐怖值[數量],如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。[數量 [角色id]set_dread 100

set_faith改變[角色id]的[信仰id],如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。按TAB顯示所有信仰id。[信仰id] [角色id]set_faith catholic

set_focus改變[角色id]的[重心id],如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。[重心id] [角色id]set_focus diplomacy_majesty_focus

set_nick給予[稱號id]到[角色id],如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。[稱號id] [角色id]set_nick nick_the_lazy

set_sexuality改變[角色id]的[性取向id],如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。[性取向id] [角色id]set_sexuality bisexual

set_stress改變[角色id]的壓力值[數量],如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。[數量] [角色id]set_stress 0

set_diplomacy改變[角色id]的外交屬性[數量],如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。[數量] [角色id]set_diplomacy 16

set_martial改變[角色id]的軍事屬性[數量],如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。[數量] [角色id]set_martial 16

set_stewardship改變[角色id]的管理屬性[數量],如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。[數量] [角色id]set_stewardship 16

set_intrigue改變[角色id]的謀略屬性[數量],如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。[數量] [角色id]set_intrigue 16

set_learning改變[角色id]的學識屬性[數量],如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。[數量] [角色id]set_learning 16

set_prowess改變[角色id]的勇武屬性[數量],如果沒有選定id默認為玩家角色。[數量] [角色id]set_prowess 16



effect執行effect代碼文件。(譯:詳情查看遊戲的effect文件夾裏的內容)[effect代碼]effect test

faction_spawn創建新[派係種類]如果有國家允許創建。[派係種類]faction_spawn peasant_faction


help打印[命令]的說明,如果沒有參數將打印所有控製台命令。[命令]help help





play改變玩家角色到[角色id].[角色id]play 1234


run執行[文件名稱]中的所有命令. 文件必須放在Documents/Paradox Interactive/Crusader Kings III.無run test.ini

set_is_ai允許AI控製[角色id].[角色id]set_is_ai 1234

set_is_player禁止AI控製[角色id].[角色id]set_is_player 1234


Quick Imprison

Make hate me

Make love me

Take Title and Vassals

Add to court

Give Secrets to court

Set up Secrets in entire Realm

Add Weak Hook

Add Strong Hook

Add Character Weight

Remove Character Weight

Make like me

Make dislike me

Make Lover

Make Rival

Make Friend

Learn Secrets

Expose known Secrets

Take Title

Get Claim

Launch natural Crusade

Start Great Holy War

If these interactions aren't enough or you want more fine-tuning, you'll find below a lengthy list of Crusader Kings 3 console commands and cheats that should prove helpful:

tutorial.enable [gamestate/global/all (default: global)] - Enable the tutorial

tutorial.disable [gamestate/global/all (default: global)] - Disable the tutorial

tutorial.debugwindow - Shows the tutorial debug window

event [eventid] [character] - Trigger an event for a character

debug_event [eventid] [character] - Trigger an event for a character. It will also print the event trigger, which can however cause some false positive error logs.

test_event [eventid] [character] - Evaluate if an event can be triggered for a character. It will also print the event trigger to the console, which can however cause some false positive error logs.

discover_innovation(add_innovation) - Discover an innovation for a character's culture

discover_fascination(add_fascination) [character (optional)] - Discover the innovation that is the current fascination for a character's culture

join_era(unlock_era) [era] [character (optional)] - Join a certain era (and all previous ones)

discover_era [era (optional, default is current era)] [character (optional)] - Discover all innovations of a certain era (and the era itself)

discover_all_eras [character (optional)] - Discover all eras and all innovations

set_faith [faith] [character (optional)] - Sets the faith of a character

dynasty_prestige [amount (optional, default: 1000)] [dynasty ID (optional, default: player dynasty)] - Adds prestige to the given dynasty

gain_all_dynasty_perks [character (optional)] - Gives a dynasty (currently played character's dynasty by default) all perks

log_missing_game_concept_loc - Logs all game concepts that have not had their loc key defined

kill(die) [character (optional)] - Kill a character (currently played character by default)

gain_all_perks [character (optional)] - Gives a character (currently played character by default) all perks

add_perk [perk] [character(optional)[- Gives a character (currently played character by default) a specific perk

instant_birth - Toggles if children should be born instantly or as normal

AI.declare_war [character(optional)] - Causes the AI to declare a war (according to normal weighting), bypassing all pacing checks and the like

generate_cadet_coa [character (optional)] - Generate a CoA for this character as if they were a cadet of their dynasty

add_doctrine [doctrine] [faith(optional)] - Adds a given doctrine to a faith

remove_doctrine [doctrine] [faith(optional)] - Removes a given doctrine from a faith

add_realm_law [law] [character(optional)] - Adds a realm law

set_culture [culture] [character(optional)] - Sets the culture of a character

change_fervor [amount(optional)] [faith(optional)] - Changes the fervor of a faith

add_secret [type] [target(optional)] [character(optional)] - Gives a character (currently played character by default) a specific secret

change_development_level [amount] [province_id(optional)] - Changes the development level of a county, defaults to capital

faction_spawn [faction_type] - Spawns a faction of the specified type

faction_discontent [faction_type] [discontent_value]- Sets discontent of the first faction of the specified type

faction_demand [faction_type] - The first faction of the specified type sends its demand

dump_pool_stats - Dump statistics about the pool to 'logs/pool_stats.csv'

dump_character_creation_stats - Dump statistics about the pool to 'logs/character_creation_stats.csv'

fast_tick - Faster ticking (lower frame rate)

instamove(quickmove) - units move one province each day

force_save_compression - Toggle if saves should be compressed

dump_bookmark_portraits - Writes portrait data for all bookmark characters at current date

print_ai_timings - Prints profiling data about ai

Portrait.ClearCache - Clears the portrait cache. Forces all portraits to refresh

portrait_editor(pe) - Open the portrait editor

spawnentity [entity name] [state (optional)]- Spawns specified entity at cursor position

clearspawnedentities - Clears entities spawned with spawnentity command

MapObjects.GenerateGameLocators [type] ]filename (optional)] - Generates locators for the game's map objects

MapObjects.Debug - Prints out map object debug information

Camera.Debug - Prints out camera debug information

Camera.Save - Save camera position

Camera.Load - Load camera position

Map.SavePNG [map mode] [file name] [yes/no Should render flat (optional)] - Save a png of the map with a specific color mode

Adjacencies.Rebuild - Rebuild all adjacencies

spawnline [line name] [start position 'x,y,z' (no spaces)] [end position x,y,z (no spaces)]> - Spawns specified line between 2 positions

clearlines - Clear lines

SplineNetwork.GenerateAssets - Undefined

shader_debug - Undefined

compoundnodeeditor - Compound Node Editor

particleeditor - Particle Node Editor

script_docs(script_documentation) - Prints script documentation

settings - Spawns a settings GUI

screenshot - Take screenshot

tweak - Spawns a tweaker GUI

textureviewer - Texture Viewer

texturelist - Texture List

tools.skins - Skin Editor

3dstats - Toggles 3D Stats

audio.list_events - List audio event

audio.play_event [Audio event] - Play audio event

audio.cpu_info - Shows current cpu usage

vsync - Toggle main swapchains vsync

gfx.reloadtexture - Reload textures

rendertype - Reports what render backend is used

Threading.TaskThreadCount [The number of task threads] - Set or get the number of task threads

CrashReporter.SimulateCrash - Simulates a crash (resulting in the game exiting).

CrashReporter.DeleteCrashData - Delete local crash dumps older than X days.

gfx.skin - Select active gfx skin

Dockables.Create [Dockable name] - Create dockable

Dockables.CreateLayout [Dockable layout name] - Create dockable layout

gui_editor - Spawns gui editor

DumpDataTypes - Dumps the registered data types

map_editor - Toggle map editor

Music.StopTrack - Stops the currently playing track

Music.Weight - Shows or sets the current weight of the music system

Music.PlayTrack [track name] - Plays the specified track

Music.Reset - Resets the music system

Debug.Achievements.ResetAll - Locks all achievements again

explorer - Shows an object explorer window

add_lifestyle_xp_all [amount(optional)] [character(optional)] - Adds xp all lifestyle

add_diplomacy_lifestyle_xp [amount(optional)] [character(optional)] - Adds xp to the given lifestyle

add_martial_lifestyle_xp [amount(optional)] [character(optional)] - Adds xp to the given lifestyle

add_stewardship_lifestyle_xp [amount(optional)] [character(optional)] - Adds xp to the given lifestyle

add_intrigue_lifestyle_xp [amount(optional)] [character(optional)] - Adds xp to the given lifestyle

add_learning_lifestyle_xp [amount(optional)[ [character(optional)] - Adds xp to the given lifestyle

switchlanguage [language name] - Reload localization files and switch language

reload [file name] - Reloads assets

time - What time is it?

minidump [file path] - Creates a minidump

crash - Cause the application to crash

debug_mode - Toggles debug mode

release_mode - Toggles release mode

GUI.CreateWidget(gui_test,test_gui) [File name] [Widget name] - Create dummy widget. With 0 arguments the file name will be gui/debug/test_gui.gui, and the widget name will be test_window

GUI.ClearWidgets - Clear dummy widget

helplog - Print out all console commands to game.log file.

help [command name] - Print out all console commands or a specific command description.

helphelp - Double Rainbow help.

version - Prints the version to the console and the game log.

tick_day [number of days] - Ticks any number of days

statistics - Logs statistics

load [file name] - Load gamestate from savegame on disk

test_save - Check save and load persistence

save [file name] - Saves current gamestate to disk

recalculate_modifiers [{if an argument is given, ALL modifiers will be calculated}] - Recalculates modifiers

effect [{effect script}] - Execute effect

run [{effect file}] - Execute effect file in /run

trigger [{trigger script}] - Test trigger script

chat [Message] - Send chat message

play [Character ID] - Change played character

observe(ob) - Start observing the game

hello [Character ID] - Show a character

hello_history [Scripted history character ID] - Show a character from history

show_title [Title tag] - Show a title

find_title [Title name] - Find a title

select_province [Province Id] - Select a province

change_culture [province id] [culture] - Change culture of a county

merge_culture [from culture] [to culture] - Merge all counties of one culture into another culture

gold(cash,dough) [Amount] - Add gold

add_piety(piety) [Amount] - Add piety

add_prestige(prestige) [Amount] - Add prestige

give_title(gt) [Title] [Character ID (optional, the player by default)] - Gives the title to the specified character

add_claim(ac) [Character ID (optional, the player by default)] [Title] - Gives the character a claim on the title

age() [Age] [Character ID] - Adds age to the current age

historical_id(hist) [Character ID] - Shows the historical id of a character

add_trait(at) [Trait] [Character ID (optional, applies to player character otherwise)] - Adds trait to a character

set_sexuality [sexuality] [Character ID (optional, applies to player character otherwise)] - Sets the sexuality of a character

secret_info(si) [character ID (optional)] - Shows all info about all secrets that the character is involved in

remove_trait(rt) [Trait] [Character ID (optional, applies to player character otherwise)] - Removes trait from a character

pregnancy(child_birth,impregnate) [mother id] [father id (0 or empty for no father)] [instant birth (yes/no)] - Make a character pregnant

redraw_coa - Redraw coat of arms

yesmen(yesman,debug_yesmen,ym) - AI will always say yes to everything within a day

nomen(noman,debug_nomen,nm) - AI will always say no to everything within a day

watch(ww) - Enables watch windows

aiwatch - Enables ai watch windows

ai_war_coordinator_watch - Enables AI war coordinator watch window

loading_screen(ls) - Stays on the next load screen

error - Show errors in log

test_message [type] [char_id/title_key/goto province_id] - Test sending a message

gamelog - Show game log

know_schemes - Discovers all schemes target to the player

end_schemes - Ends all schemes target to the player

scripted_tests [pattern (optional)] - Run scripted tests

force_oos - Force OoS

event_queue - Print event queue debug

event_counts - Print event debug counts

spawn_combat_army [scenario] [combat side] - Spawns attacking or defending side of a combat scenario

combat [scenario] - Test a scripted combat scenario

combat_test [scenario] [iterations] - Test a scripted combat scenario

charinfo - Toggles the visibility of the character debug info.

print_randomlog - Prints the current randomlog.

oos_dump - Dumps OOS info.

output_terrain - Outputs province terrain file.

tick_development [Number of ticks] - Tick the spreading of development for X ticks

players - Lists all players on server

kick [Player name] - Kicks a player with the given name

add_relation [relation name] [char01] [char02] - Adds a scripted relation

remove_relation [relation name] [char01] [char02] - Removes a scripted relation

add_stress [stress] [character id (optional)] - Add the value to existing stress

simulate_child_skills [age] [character id (optional)] [iterations] - Zeroes all base skills and simulate growth to a specific age of character (will change age)

set_stress [stress] [character id (optional)] - Change stress to the value

add_dread [dread] [character id (optional)] - Add the value to existing dread

set_dread [dread] [character id (optional)] - Change dread to the value

set_focus [focus] ]character] - Set a focus for the character

add_maa [MAA type] [character] [banner_index] - Add an men-at-arms regiment to the character

clear(clr) - Clear console.

recalculate_succession [Character ID] - Recalculates the succession of a character

AI.Enable [Character ID] - Enables the AI of a character

AI.Disable [Character ID] - Disables the AI of a character

set_diplomacy [value] [character (optional)] - Sets the diplomacy of a character

set_martial [value] [character (optional)] - Sets the martial of a character

set_stewardship [value] [character (optional)] - Sets the stewardship of a character

set_intrigue [value] [character (optional)] - Sets the intrigue of a character

set_learning [value] [character (optional)] - Sets the learning of a character

set_prowess [value] [character (optional)] - Sets the prowess of a character

change_diplomacy [value] [character (optional)] - Changes the diplomacy of a character

change_martial [value] [character (optional)] - Changes the martial of a character

change_stewardship [value] [character (optional)] - Changes the stewardship of a character

change_intrigue [value] [character (optional)] - Changes the intrigue of a character

change_learning [value] [character (optional)] - Changes the learning of a character

change_prowess [value] [character (optional)] - Changes the prowess of a character

clear_traits [character (optional)] - Removes all the traits of a character

clear_character_modifiers [character (optional)] - Removes all the modifiers of a character

set_nick(set_nickname) [nick_key] [character (optional)] - Sets the specified nickname to a character

remove_nick(remove_nickname) [character (optional)] - Removes the nickname of a character

timer - Prints out debug timing info

timer_start - Starts debug timing

timer_restart - Restarts (resets and starts) debug timing

timer_reset - Resets debug timing

timer_stop - Stops debug timing

timer_dump - Dumps debug timing info

Ct - Puts timer info in clipboard

instabuild(quickbuild) - Players build things instantly

verify_ai_path - Verify an AI unit's path


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