Rendered using Maya 4.0 (Software Render)
Create Seat Gear Rotater
From Front view, create a beveled gear profile (pic 1) and bevel plus it (Width 0.5, Depth 0.5, Extrude Depth 1.5 and Outer Style curve Convex Out) (pic 2).
在前視窗中創建齒輪的輪廓曲線 (pic 1) 並用 bevel plus 它 ,bevel 的取值 (Width 0.5(Width 0.5, Depth 0.5, Extrude Depth 1.5 和 Outer Style curve Convex Out)(pic 2).
pic 1
pic 2
Next, create another profile curve (pic 3) and bevel plus it (Width 0.1, Depth 0.1, Extrude Depth 0.2 and Outer Style Curve Concave In) (pic 4)
接下來,創建另一條曲線 (pic 3) 並 bevel plus 它,取值如下 (Width 0.1, Depth 0.1, Extrude Depth 0.2 and Outer Style Curve Concave In) (pic 4).
pic 3
pic 4
Create a NURBS cylinder (6 spans), rotate to 90° and rescale it smaller and drag to the center of the bottom right circle corner (pic 5). From side view, tweak the right-end CV's and rescale them smaller (very small until it looks like they are touching each other) (pic6).
You could use front view zoom to check it, and then adjust 2 more right CV's and drag to the left, until it looks like this image (pic 7), and then duplicate this cylinder and hide the new one (copied) , errh what is this ? Duplicate ?... You will know later :)
創建一個 Nurbs 圓柱體 (spans 為 6), 旋轉 90 度 , 並將它縮小移動到如 (fig 5) 所示,切換到側視窗, 拉伸最右排的 CV 點並將其縮到看上去合成一點為止 .(pic 6) 你可以切換到前視窗當中放大來檢查它,接著調整最右邊的兩排 CV 點 ( 包含我們所縮小的那一排 ) ,並將它們向左移動到如 (pic 7) 所示 , 調整好後複製這個曲麵,並將複製出來的曲麵隱藏起來,為什麼 ? 向下看你就會明白的 ...
pic 5
pic 6
pic 7
Now drag the cylinder to the center of the beveled curves (pic 8), now select your beveled surface, select your cylinder, then fillet circular it with value of around 0.056 (reverse direction) and then trim it, you will have this cute half hole (pic 9).
將圓柱體移動到 bevel 的曲線中心 (pic 8), 現在 -- 選擇你 bevel 出來的曲麵 , 按 Shift 鍵選擇圓柱體,然後 circular fillet 它們, circular fillet 取值約為 0.056, 完成後對它們分別 trim, 我們可以得到如 (pic 9).
Remember the one cylinder that we hid before ? Unhide it, rotate it to 180 of y axis, rescale it smaller a little bit, and place it in the center of this new half hole (pic 10).
你是否記得我們隱藏的那個曲麵 ? 顯示它,在 y 軸方向上旋轉 180 度 , 將它縮小一點,並將它移動到中心如 (pic 10)
pic 8
pic 9
pic 10
Do the same with the bottom left circle corner (pic 11).
左邊的齒輪用同樣的的方法做出 (pic 11)
pic 11
Now select all of your objects, go to the render menu, then select set NURBS tessellation , set curvature tolerance to highest quality, U and V around 5000 , click set and close then render it, then you will have this cute looking object (pic 12).
選擇你所有的物體,進入到全局渲染裏,設置 NURBS tessellation , 將 curvature tolerance 高為更高組另, U 和 V 取到 5000, 然後 set and close 並渲染它,這樣我們得到如 (pic 12) 的物體 .
pic 12
Wheee...everything is so easy and so smooth with Maya isn't it ?, But oops...this is just part 1. :(
Note : You could put logo there or do whatever you want, more detail or something... :)
喔 ....Maya 是否很簡單 ? 不要急,以上隻是第一節 :(
注意 : 你可以在這裏放上你喜歡的標記 , 或者刻畫更多的細節 .... :)
Now select all these objects, group them and name the group "rotator", and then save this file as "rotator_gear.mb" or do whatever you like with the file name. :)
現在選擇你所有的物體,並將它們成組,將組命名為 "rotator", 並存儲文件為 "rototor_gearmb"( 也可以是你想用的名字 )
Create Bottom Seat Upholstery
From side view, create 2 profile curves like in this image (pic 13), then from front view, create a NURBS circle with 18 sections, rotate it 90°, then adjust the CV's with the scale and move tools until it looks like in this image (pic 14).
在側視窗,創建兩條輪廓曲線 (pic 13), 回到前視窗,再創建一條 Nurbs 圓形曲線 (section 18), 旋轉 90 度,然後調整它的各 CV 點到像 (pic 14) 所示 .
pic 13
pic 14
Here's the perspective view
Then duplicate this curve and rescale it (y axis), move it many times (following the shape of the profile curve) until it looks like this (pic 14). Note : you must rescale the start and end curves very small (pic 15).
然後複製一些曲線並在 y 軸方向上放大或縮小它們,調整到如 (pic 14). 記住 : 最開始和結束的曲線你要盡量將其縮到最小 .(pic 15)
pic 14
pic 15
Then select these 3 curves (pic 16), select a couple of the top CV's and then move them to the left a little bit and rotate them also to the left (pic 17).
選擇這 3 條曲線 (pic 16), 將它們的一些 CV 點向左移動並消微放大一點 (pic 17).
pic 16
pic 17
Now select all these curves from start to end (not the profile) and then surface > loft . You will have this new object (pic 18), now duplicate mirror this new object with the parameters shown here (pic 19).
Note : The Translate value could be different, but Scale -1 is a must for mirror duplicate :)
現在依此選擇這些曲線(不含那條輪廓線 ) 然後 surface > loft . 你將得到一個曲麵如 (pic 18), 接著以鏡像的方式複製這個物體,複製的選項請看 (pic 19).
注意 : 移動 (translate) 的數值可以有所不同,但是拉伸 (scale) 的數值為 -1 時表示以鏡像的方式複製 .
Pic 18
pic 19
OK now you have two of these 2 mirrored objects right ? (pic 20) Next, do the same steps (using duplicated curves) to create the center top and bottom upholstery (pic 21). Remember to use very small curves for the start and end curves. :)
Note : if you want to close the start or end curves, you could also use surface > planar .
OK, 現在你有兩個物體對嗎 ?(pic 20), 接下來要做的是,使用相同的方法 ( 複製 ) 來創建中間的一些曲線 (pic 21). 記住最開始和最後的曲線要縮到最小 .
注意 : 如果你想閉合整個曲麵,你可以使用 surface > planar 命令來閉合開始和最後的曲線 .
pic 20
pic 21
Create Top Seat Upholstery
Note : to continue your work and to get more modeling concentration, you could use working by layer or hide your finished model. :)
注意 : 繼續你的工作前,你可以使用 Layer 來隱藏你已完成的物體 .
From Side view, create a profile curve like in this image (pic 22), and then from top view, create a NURBS circle with 18 sections and adjust the CV's until the circle looks like in this image (pic 23). Remember... the distances between CV curves are important; try to maintain the same distances, 'cause the distance between the CV's affects the smoothness of the final lofted objects . :)
側視窗 , 創建一條參考曲線如 (pic 22), 然後切換到頂視窗 , 創建一條 NURBS 圓形曲線 (sections 18) 然後調整它的 CV 點到像 (pic 23) 所示 . 記住 .... 盡量使每個 CV 點之間的距離一樣, 因為這會影響到最後 loft 出來物體的效果 .
Pic 22
pic 23
Then from side view, duplicate this curve many times following the profile curve (pic 24). Adjust every CV's curve, especially the top and bottom curves, it should be turned into lane curve or circle curve (pic 25).
回到側視窗,複製一些曲線如 (pic 24) ,並且調整每條曲線的 CV 點,得到 (pic 25) 的效果為止 .
pic 24
pic 25
Now hide profile curves and select all the curves one by one sequentially (from top to bottom or reverse) then surface > loft . You will have this new lofted object (pic 26). Next, from side view create a cutter curve reference (pic 27).
隱藏參考線,再依次選擇這些曲線,並使用 surface > loft 命令 . 得到新物體如 (pic 26). 回到側視窗中去,創建一條如 (pic 27) 所示的剪切曲線 .
pic 26
pic 27
With cutter curve still selected and still from side view, shift select main object, then Edit NURBS > Project Curve on Surface . You will have this cutter spline area (pic 28); next, select main object Edit NURBS > Trim and select these 2 front objects (pic 29).
在剪切曲線仍然被選擇時,按住 Shift 鍵選擇主物體 , 在側視窗中使用 Edit NURBS > Project Curve on Surface . 你將在曲麵上得到剪切曲線 (pic 28); 選擇你要保留的區域,並 Edit NURBS > Trim (pic 29).
pic 28
pic 29
Hit enter, then you'll have these 2 objects (pic 30). With these new objects still selected, press Ctrl-D (duplicate) and move these new objects to the front (about 1 of z axis)
剪切後得到 (pic 30). 當前物體仍然被選擇的時候,按快捷鍵 CTRL+D( 複製 ) 它並將複製後的曲麵在 z 軸方向上移動約 1 的單位 .(pic 31)
pic 30
pic 31
Now select back your trimmed object and go to the menu Edit NURBS > Untrim Surfaces (pic 32), select trim again, and this time, select the main object (pic 33).
選擇後方被你剪切過的曲麵,使用 Edit NURBS > Untrim Surfaces 命令,得到 (pic 32), 將得到的曲麵再次 trim 它,這次,我們要保留的區域改變了 (pic 33)
pic 32
pic 33
Hit Enter, then you will have this object (pic 34); next, select the copied object and translate it to 0 z axis, now you have 2 separated objects right ? (pic 35) :)
Trim 後,你將得到如 (pic 34). 接下來,選擇複製出來的物體並將其移動回原位 (z 軸方向變為 0) ,現在我們得到兩個分離的物體 (pic 35)
pic 34
pic 35
Create top seat bealt hole
From front view, create this 2 profile curves, inner-white and outter green (pic 36)
OK now select outer curves then extrude it to back (-2) (pic 37), remember : to extrude a curve, open your extrude option box and set the style to distance , and make sure output geometry has been set to nurbs .
切找到前視窗 , 創建兩條曲線,裏麵的為白色,外麵的為綠色 (pic 36)---- 不懂為什麼要講這個 , 暈 !!!
OK. 選擇外麵的曲線並 Extrude 它,值為 -2(pic 37). 記住 : 當你 Extrude 曲線的時候,將 Extrude 選項盒打開,將 Style 設為 distance , 並確保你輸出的幾何體為 Nurbs .
pic 36
pic 37
Now select main object, shift select extruded object then apply a circular fillet and trim it (pic 38), remember : before circular filletting a surface, open circular fillet option and make sure to turn on create curve on surface , if you're not do this then you cannot trim the surface.
現在選擇主物體,按 shift 鍵選擇 Extrude 的曲麵,使用 circular fillet 和 trim 命令 (pic 38). 記住 : 在 circular fillet 一個曲麵之前,打開 circular fillet 的選項盒並將 create curve on surface 打開,否則你將不能剪切你的曲麵 . outter curve, shift select inner curve then surface > bevel plus , remember : before bevel plus, make sure to check your bevel plus option box, make sure output options to nurbs .
Ok now bevel plus it (width 0.2, depth 0.2, extrude depth 0.3, outterstylecurve concave in, innerstylecurve convex out) (pic 39)
接下來選擇外沿的曲線,按 Shift 鍵選擇裏麵的曲線,使用 surface>bevel plus 命令,記住 : 在 bevel plus 前,你應當打開 bevel plus 的選項盒並確保你所輸出的幾何體為 NURBS.
OK .bevel plus 的數值為 width 0.2, depth 0.2, extrude depth 0.3, outterstylecurve concave in, innerstylecurve convex out.(pic 39) 為我們 bevel 出來的物品 .
pic 38
pic 39
And of course, drag it to the center of seat belt hole (pic 40 and pic 41)
當然,我們需要將它移動到椅子的中心位置 (pic 40, pic 41)
pic 40
pic 41
Now mix them all together (pic 42), and dont forget to import the seat rotater gear from "rotater_gear.mb", and put the gear rotater to the back- bottom side of the seat.
For more seat detail, you could add a small rope at every top of nurbs surfaces (pic 43), or you could also create a pair of seat belt.
現在將所有物體組合在一起 (pic 42), 不要忘記將 "rotater_gear.mb" 文件導入,並將齒輪放到椅子兩邊 .
你可以給椅子添加更多的細節,如做一些小的 Nurbs 曲麵來做椅子的繩子 (pic 43), 又或者你可以增加一條安全帶 .
pic 42
pic 43
Final Shaded render
It is very easy to create a sport car seat within Maya right ? :) all you have to do is texturing...
Texturing tips : you could use 512x512 pixel of carpet texture with repeat uv arround 12 x12 :)
Ok this is it, i hope you like it :)
創建汽車的椅子是不是很容易 ? :)
好的 .... 接下來你要做的是做貼圖給它 ....
建議 : 使用 512x512 的貼圖文件, UV 分陪為 12x12
OK. 我希望你喜歡它. (完)